What to Expect on your First Visit to AA Spine & Rehab Clinic.
When you arrive, you will be greeted by our friendly staff. They may ask you to fill out some Initial patient forms, ask you for ID and Insurance information. Then, you will be guided into our exam room for an in depth history and exam with Dr. Amina Ahmad and staff.
If any additional tests are needed to further determine the problem or if you need to be seen by any other specialist to effectively address your condition we will arrange it.
Care at AA Spine & Rehab Clinic is custom tailored to your specific health needs and may include a combination of chiropractic adjustments, manual techniques, spinal decompression therapy, supportive therapies such as electric stimulation, ultrasound, red light therapy, and rehab. Rehab may include strength training, range of motion exercises, balance and coordination exercises, and gait training.
The procedures used by experienced chiropractors help to assess, track, and modify each patient's treatment as needed. Our goal is to get the patient out of pain, increase mobility and function, improve overall well being as quickly as possible, and empower the patient with techniques to help them stay in a pain free and better functioning place.
How Do I Prepare For My First Visit at AA Spine & Rehab Clinic?
Before your initial chiropractic appointment, be sure to gather up your medical history. Make sure you have all your insurance information. If you are seeking treatment after a car or truck accident, please provide the police report, insurance claim number, all ER records, and letters from your insurance company.
If you are seeking treatment after a work accident, please bring your Work Comp Claim information, letter from Work Compensation Carrier, list of any previous medical care (names of doctors and clinics, health insurance), and your ID. Once examined, Dr. Amina Ahmad may need to request pre authorization from your Work Comp carrier.
If you are seeking general wellness care not involving an accident or work injury, you are only asked to provide general insurance, previous diagnostics or care for your specific condition.
Also, be sure to bring a list of any medications you may be taking, as well as the dosage, and any other healthcare issues or concerns you may be currently experiencing or facing.